Sprint 1
Sprint 1
These past two weeks, I worked on finding something I was passionate about for the course of the semester. I decided to create a project called “Idaho Adventures,” to show people how great Idaho is. To do this, I also decided I was going to create several blog posts. The purpose of brainstorming these past few weeks was to find something that I could be passionate about and help others enjoy Rexburg.
I decided to brainstorm and come up with a process of approaching this project. I brainstormed a list of topics I would like to write on. The first two topics are Cress Creek Natural Trail and the Rexburg Rock gym. This past week, I took a trip to go hike Cress Creek nature trail. During this trip, I took the time to explore the beauty, and take pictures. I also went to the Rexburg rock gym for a great rock gym experience. I took plenty of pictures for my content.
Visiting these places around Rexburg gave me a great opportunity to find hidden gems and come up with a list of topics to write on.
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